

For all of us (myself firmly included), today marks the start of a very strange journey. While some students will continue to attend school, albeit in a much-reduced capacity, the majority will be at home for the foreseeable future. While I'm sure every school has supplied plenty of work for students to be getting on with, I feel it's a responsibility of teachers everywhere to ensure that parents have a variety of activities and exercises available to them in order to keep their children stimulated and to continue their academic development.

As such, I've decided to set up this blog as a place to share the resources I will be creating over this unprecedented period of time. As an English teacher, my focus is usually reserved for those tried and tested subjects: Mr Dickens, Mr Shakespeare, Mr Russell... a lot of "misters", really. However, we're all well aware that most students have as much interest in Shakespeare as we did at their age (no matter how vehemently we claim otherwise), so I thought I could use this opportunity to create some resources based on the things that I love while still helping to develop those key English skills required by all students to take on the GCSEs.

There will be Shakespeare, and there will be Dickens - it's not as if there's anything wrong with the lads - but there will be mythology, sport, modern literature, ancient history, music and much more alongside them.

My aim is to upload at least one resource/activity a day, but I'll aim to be as productive as I can. I simply hope that I can provide some inspiration for the thousands of parents out there looking to keep their home-schools as varied and imaginative as possible.

Please feel free to comment with any ideas for alterations or improvements to my offerings - this is all about coming together to provide the best education possible!


Mr Gunn


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