Keeping Healthy - Persuasive Writing

Lazy Sloth - Option 3 by Alfrey Davilla | vaneltia on DribbbleIn these strange times, it's very easy for us to become a little lazy. We can't go outside much, unless you're lucky enough to have a garden to use (in which case, it's lovely outside, so get out there), and as a result we are left to sit around at home trying to find things to do.

While sitting down and watching a TV show or reading a book are great ways to pass the time, we have to make sure that we are still exercising as much as possible to stay fit and healthy. I know I'd much prefer to be out training and playing football with my team, but unfortunately that's not possible, and the same is true no matter what sport you take part in. Right now, we have to be inventive about how we exercise - running, home-workouts, walks, swimming laps in the bath (make sure you put plenty of towels down for that one). What else could people do?

The 9-Minute Strength Workout - Well Guides - The New York TimesYour job today is to create a persuasive and informative article or leaflet, which explains to your readers how they can exercise at home and why they should do it.

Remember, for persuasive writing you should try to use the following techniques:

  • Direct Address
  • Anecdote
  • Facts
  • Opinions (Personal and Expert)
  • Rhetorical Questions
  • Repetition
  • Emotive Language
  • Statistics
  • Triples
Have a look here for some examples of persuasive writing.


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